In this episode, hosts Bill Bant and Jason Masek delve into the iconic film 'Escape from New York,' focusing on the character Snake Plissken and his mission to rescue the President from a dystopian Manhattan prison. The episode explores the career of Kurt Russell, the mastery of director John Carpe…
'Alien Nation' is a buddy cop movie set in a world where aliens have landed on Earth and are trying to assimilate into human society. The movie explores themes of discrimination and bigotry, but falls short in fully exploring the potential of its premise. The standout performance comes from Mandy P…
In this episode of the "All 80s Movies Podcast", Bill Bant and Jason Masek discuss the 1983 sci-fi adventure movie 'Krull'. They share their earliest memories of the movie and their initial thoughts upon rewatching it. They highlight the positives and negatives of the film, including the music, cos…
"Imagine a machine that records sights... sounds... sensations, thoughts... feelings... emotions, even your dreams and nightmares. Then, at the touch of a button, transfers these personal experiences from mind to another. Any...
Please note as of 07/30/2023 we fixed the audio issues so the tracks between the host should sound more even. Enjoy! "In the Year of Darkness, 2029, the rulers of this planet devised the ultimate plan. They would reshape the ...
"A world inside the computer where man has never been. Never before now." In this week's episode, we discuss the ground breaking special effects Sci-Fi cult classic 'Tron' starring Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxleitner, Cindy Morgan...
"Enemies because they were taught to be. Allies because they had to be. Brothers because they dared to be." In this week's episode, we are discussing the sci-fi cult drama 'Enemy Mine' starring Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossett ...
"When evil screams throughout the world, when all three suns converge, when all that's fair and fine seems lost... a hero will emerge!" In this week's episode, we are discussing the dark fantasy adventure 'The Dark Crystal' f...
"They control what you see. They decide what you hear. You think they're people just like you. You're wrong. Dead wrong." In this week's episode, we discuss the Sci-Fi action movie 'They Live' starring Roddy Piper, Keith Davi...
"A world where heroes come in all sizes and adventure is the greatest magic of all." In this week's episode, we are discussing 'Willow' starring Warwick Davis, Val Kilmer and Joanne Whalley. Based on a story by George Lucas a...
"See A Totally Spaced Adventure!" In this week's episode, we discuss the science fiction comedy 'The Ice Pirates' starring Robert Urich, Mary Crosby and Michael D. Roberts. Directed by Stewart Raffill. The Ice Pirates - IMDB:...
"An Adventure of Incredible Proportions." In this week's episode we discuss the adventure comedy, 'Innerspace', starring Dennis Quaid, Martin Short and Meg Ryan. Directed by Joe Dante. Innerspace - IMDB:
"He is afraid. He is alone. He is three million light years from home." In this week's episode, we celebrate the 40th Anniversary of one of the biggest movies of all time. It's 'E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial' starring Henry Thom...
"Pathetic earthlings... Who can save you now?" For our 50th movie episode, we discuss the cult classic 'Flash Gordon' starring Sam J. Jones, Melody Anderson, Topol, Timothy Dalton, Ornella Muti and Max von Sydow. Directed by ...
"It killed 37 people, robbed 6 banks, 2 liquor stores, a record shop and stole 2 Ferraris. Now the fun starts. It just took over a police station. A new breed of criminal." In this week's podcast, we discuss the under-seen ...